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What You Need to Know About North Carolina for May 29, 2015

What You Need to Know About North Carolina for May 29, 2015

Some of the places you might visit this summer might not be there next summer. Earlier this week we mentioned a historic aircraft hangar at the Wilmington airport that’s going away. The local historical preservation group in Wilmington has drafted an entire list of other endangered places. If it weren’t for this list, these sites may not be identified, as on a national level, there are no endangered historic sites in North Carolina, at least not any considered “most endangered” by the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

Yet, ask any of my NC State classmates about endangered places and we could probably list the entire corridor of Hillsborough Street, namely this breakfast spot as endangered. Not that we are against high-rises and new higher density developments (who doesn’t agree that North Hills in Raleigh’s in better shape now than it was when it was first built), but could we keep at least a few classic, non-university owned buildings?

Anyway, I think you need to be aware of this issue in North Carolina today. Here are a few other things you should be aware of:

In case you missed it, the Governor will veto the bill allowing magistrates and registrars of deeds to refuse to perform marriages on religious grounds.

This hall at UNC-Chapel Hill named after a controversial figure has been renamed.

The New York Times did their famous 36-hour weekend trip to Chapel Hill and Carrboro recently. What did they miss?

The parts of the Triangle area that could see Google Fiber first.

Drivers ed books might be in the next state budget, among other things coming back to state funding.

Incumbent appellete judges could be granted general elections that allow them to be given a yes or no vote to stay on the bench, instead of running a campaign against challengers.

The federal court lawsuit is officially filed against the 2014 statewide election redistricting.

How this classic locomotive was restored and helped two state museums with programing.

Exactly where the most expensive Charlotte apartment rental is.

And finally, a state park and RDU Airport will swap land, which the state will consider selling or developing.

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