
Hello person curious about North Carolina.

This is North Carolina Placebook.

We do two main things. First,

What You Need to Know About North Carolina

A smattering of news going on across North Carolina for the person who wants to be smart about their state, whether or not it’s home always, home now, or home in the future.

That information is here  by 9 a.m. eastern(but often earlier) on weekdays, unless it’s a holiday or we are taking some other form of vacation. You can also listen to the round-up on Soundcloud.

Or, if you put your email in the box, you’ll get the news there, along with a link to the audio/podcast version.


Email Format


Who takes the time to put all this together?


Myself. Kristen Jeffers, North Carolina native, Kansas City, MO resident and news junkie. I also write here on urban planning and placemaking issues and I run everything here, where I also offer speaking and consulting. You can find me on Twitter @blackurbanist.

And now that other thing I do here:

Explaining North Carolina


I also provide what the young digital journalists call explainers: guides to policy issues, cultural practices, cities, and anything else I feel like you need to know about North Carolina. Think of this section of the site as your encyclopedia. Here’s one on how to vote in North Carolina. Check back as I continue to add more of those to the site.

What do people think of North Carolina Placebook?

Well, here’s a nice tweet from Jesse Crews (@jesse of the crews)

I realized I spend most of my mornings poring over @blackurbanist’s NC newsletter, but hadn’t actually signed up to receive it. Fixed that.

And after I thanked him for that, here’s what he had to say:

Thank you for putting it together. A well-curated newsletter is thing of beauty!

And if you want to be just like him and get North Carolina Placebook in your email every day, just stick your email right here.

* indicates required

(If you don’t tell us, you automatically get the email at 12 noon eastern).

Email Format 


And again, as I said above, this site and its corresponding email are maintained as a division of Kristen Jeffers Media, LLC. Learn more about the company. Our privacy policy and our terms and conditions. More about this site. Advertise here.